Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Babycakes in Los Angeles

"Carol's Chatter" One day we took a lunch break and drove to Los Angeles to see the famous allergy free store "babycakes". Everything in the store Michael could eat! The kids had a hard time deciding what to buy. We all bought something different and then bought our favorites to take with us. We tried the chocolate cookies, cupcakes, cinnamon rolls, cranberry apple cake and a cookie and frosting sandwich. Everything was really good! We all came to the conclusion that Brianna's desserts are just as good or even better tasting!

Corn Tortillas at California Adventure

"Carol's Chatter" Michael and Arianna at California Adventure with their tortilla's at the Mission store. There you can watch them make tortillas and then they give everyone a tortilla to sample. Today they were making corn tortillas and Michael was so excited! He said to the lady "I can actually have these! I'm not allergic to these!" The lady then gave him a second tortilla and that really made him happy!

More Disneyland

"Carol's Chatter" These are a few of the families group pictures taken at Disneyland. Don't you just love their happy faces! I was so glad I got to be there to enjoy a few days with them at Disneyland! I was the designated photographer. We had so much FUN! Disneyland really is magical! It is a little more work for an allergy child to go to Disneyland. Michael was a real trooper, he brought wipes and wiped down each ride before he rode them. And for the food situation they brought all their own food. They would pack snacks and lunch in a backpack and went back to the motel and fixed dinner in an electric pot. One nice thing about motels being close!

Visiting Relatives

"Carol's Chatter" We went to visit our relatives on our way to Disneyland. They joined us at Disneyland for one day and we had lots of fun going on all the rides. Brianna's aunt was so kind and even prepared Michael friendly meals while we stayed with her. She bought one of Brianna's books and said, "These recipes aren't that hard to do and lots of the recipes are recipes I already make!"

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


"Carol's Chatter" After Christmas Brianna and Lance surprised the kids with a vacation to Disneyland! They were so excited and had sooooo much fun! Here are just a few of the friends Michael and Arianna got to meet while they were visiting Disneyland.

Christmas Treats

"Carol's Chatter" Brianna made delicious treats at Christmas time. The sugar cookies and the ice cream are in her new cookbook. The other treats she has just come up with. She is always trying to make her favorite treats into Michael friendly treats! And EVERYONE loves them!

Cub Scouts

"Carol's Chatter" Michael learning about the American flag and having fun at Cub Scouts. Brianna brings the treats to Cub Scouts every week so it is safe for Michael.

Autumn Time

"Carol's chatter" This was Brianna's family picture
that she used to put on their Christmas cards. It
was taken in the fall and it was really cold outside.