Saturday, December 3, 2011


I love Chrstmas traditions... actually...I love all traditions. But, one Christmas tradition that is very special to me is....On Christmas Eve Morning! My grandmother has a granddaughters brunch. All my girl cousins gather at grandmas home and we help make crepes and enjoy them together. Then we do the dishes and play some games and visit. We all look forward to this tradition every Christmas Eve Morning!

You can share a favorite Christmas Tradition on this blog… and you will have the chance to win a free Christmas CD! yippee!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

OK....why not join in the fun black friday spirit....Buy a cookbook from me now through Saturday and save!!! $10 each or $11 if needing shipping! Great holiday gift for someone you love that has food allergies or gluten intolerance. Let me know!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Check these out!!!!

I was just reading on Cybele Pascal’s Food Allergy Blog (which I love to read and check out frequently!) She had posted about Allerbling bracelets for kids with food allergies. I had never heard of them before and they sound great! You can learn more or order these at! Also, if you haven’t checked out Cybele’s website go here and enjoy!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

What a great deal!!!

If you are a member of FAAN---great!!! If not check out what they are all about… and don’t forget to take advantage of their 20% off discount going on now!

FAAN™ (The Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Network) was established in 1991 by Anne Muñoz-Furlong, at a time when information about food allergies was difficult to find. Anne's daughter was diagnosed with milk and egg allergy, and founding FAAN was a way of providing education and support to the many other parents who needed help managing food allergy.

FAAN is now the most trusted source of information, programs, and resources related to food allergy and anaphylaxis. Its membership now stands at approximately 25,000 worldwide and includes families, dietitians, nurses, physicians, school staff, and representatives from government agencies and the food and pharmaceutical industries. FAAN serves as the communication link between the patient and others.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Are you ready for trick-or-treating?

Well….it is that time of year when all the kids get excited about costumes and candy. But, for those with food allergies, it can be a very scary thing! Below is a list from allergymoms of some allergen free candies (be sure to read the labels to make certain they are free of your allergen)!!! Hopefully this will help some of you!

Monday, October 3, 2011


I found this little video on the  allergymoms website and thought I would share!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Look what I found….

I love to make cookies with my kids! I probably love it too much! The first recipe I ever created was a cookie!!!! Well…..while we were out of town the past few weeks….I was desperate! We were in a town without a health food store and  I didn’t have all the ingredients I needed to make some cookies, so I went to the grocery store and searched for something to make and I found these nifty little boxes of cookie/cake mixes that are allergy free!!! I was so excited I bought one and made the batch and they were so fast and delicious!!! So, the next day I went back to the store and bought a supply to take home!!!

Cherrybrook Kitchen

If you haven’t given this product a try……check them out! You can check out their website to see if their products fit your needs!


Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Why I love this time of year…..

1. I love the start of a new school year.

2. I love  to take my kids to find awesome deals on school suppies.

3. I love to spend a few days getting the school room ready.

4. I love to see how excited my kids get to start a new school year.

5. I love to get back on a regular schedule (don’t get me wrong…I love summer vacation too).

6. I love to teach!

Best of luck to everyone this new school year!!!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I love back to school time!!! We kick off the new school year with a fun pencil cake….my kids love it!!! Try it out this year!!!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

How many of you are ready for Back to School?

The excitement of school is here! Being a parent of a child with food allergies can perhaps be most stressful at the beginning of a school year. Here’s a checklist to help you start the school year successfully:

  • See the allergist. Your allergist will go over details of your child’s Food Allergy/Emergency Action Plan and update it for the new school year. The allergist may also assist with your child’s Individual Health Plan (IHP) or 504 Plan, if applicable.

  • Meet with key school staff. Examples include the principal, nurse, teacher(s), director of dining services, and bus driver. Go over how your child will be able to participate in all activities safely (i.e., lunchtime, field trips, class parties, lesson plans that involve food).  Come up with a plan for where medications will be stored and determine who will access it in the event of an emergency.

  • Check medications. Check the expiration dates on all of your child’s medication to ensure they are current. If they are to expire during the school year, mark your calendar accordingly to request a refill from the physician at that time.

  • Keep records. Make a binder and keep copies of your child’s medical records and his or her Food Allergy/Emergency Action Plan, IHP, or 504 Plan, and any written correspondence between you and the school. This is also a great place to store notes on what part of the management plan worked well and what could use improvement. In the event that a question or situation comes up during the school year, you can refer to your binder to see if the situation was addressed during any of your meetings.

  • Keep contact information up-to-date. Cell phone numbers and e-mail addresses often change. Any time a change is made to your personal contact information, be sure to provide the school with written record of the change.

  • Offer to volunteer. If your schedule allows, consider volunteering to be the room parent so that you can be involved in classroom celebrations that may involve food, or can accompany the class on a field trip.

  • Familiarize yourself with FAAN’s extensive resources, found in our Back to School Toolkit. We have free downloads, free slideshow presentations that will help you educate school staff, and many educational materials available for purchase.

Take a deep breath! Preparing ahead of time will help you relax as you ease into the new school year. Remember, we’re all in this together. We wish you success!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Wow….check this out….

The Entitlement Trap by Richard and Linda Eyre is being released in a few weeks so the Eyre’s are doing a GIANT giveaway for anyone who pre-orders the book!

I have read a lot of their books and LOVE them! I did Joy School with my daughter and she and I both loved it! I implement many of the ideas and values they teach through their books and absolutely LOVE them! Well, they have a new book coming out in just a few weeks….I am so excited! My husband pre-ordered back in May for Mother’s Day and it is almost here!!!! Now, with today being National Entitlement Awareness Day they are giving away lots of fun prizes….so go check it out!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Establishing School-Year Routines

Are you ready to get back into school routines? Take a moment and listen to this free podcast from The Power of Moms for some great ideas to get you off to a great new school year!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Cookie Tip…

I have lots of cookie recipes in my cookbook. I love making cookies in my home. I have lots of memories of cookie baking from when I was a little girl. Every Sunday, my dad would say, “I think we should make oatmeal chocolate chip cookies today”. So, we would make the BEST oatmeal chocolate chip cookies! My dad had so many little tips to each step of the cookie making process and I learned how to make one yummy cookie! I also made sugar cookies with my great grandma. She had some very special cookie cutters that I had to be extra careful with. My grandma made cookies during the great depression to earn money.

Well, my love of cookie making and my wonderful “teachers” have actually helped me in creating allergy free treats! One thing I learned very quickly in my allergy free cookie making is that you have to chill your dough! After making your dough, place it in the fridge for 1 hour (gluten/allergy free) dough is very soft and will not turn out “perfect” if it isn’t chilled. So, make sure you give yourself that extra 1 hour of “baking time”.

Good luck with your baking adventures….and Enjoy those yummy cookies and the memories you are making!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Why I started my blog….

About 8 years ago… son was diagnosed with food allergies and I had no idea what was to come. I understood what a food allergy was but was shocked to find out how severe they really can be. So….I had to search and search for help! I needed help with so many things. I needed to find recipes that my son could have. Well, I was able to find some but they were not that great. So, I began creating recipes of my own. I then realized how great it would be to make my life easier if I could create recipes for our whole family so I didn’t have to make 2 meals, or 2 kinds of desserts. Then I  began to get requests for certain foods at family/social gatherings and requests to write a book (this is how the cookbook all started). Then, I would have people ask me if I blogged and if I could just share ideas/helpful hints. So, I started this blog. I started it to help others to hopefully cope with their food allergies or gluten intolerances. I love being able to see that there truly are others in the same boat and we can learn from each other!!!!!!!!So, welcome and if you ever have questions or need help…..I am just an email away!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Oh what do you do in the summertime….

Well, one thing I love to do is….make sugar cookies! And if you know me well you know I make them for any occasion (not just summertime)!!! So, this summer for the 4th of July we were camping with family and of course I love to make star sugar cookies for the 4th. I love having my kids help me and love seeing how much fun they have rolling, cutting, decorating and of course eating the cookies! So…..can you guess what I took all the way camping?? Yep, I hauled all the necessities (sugar cookie ingredients/rolling pin/cookie cutters/frosting/sprinkles)! I even had one cousin who had never rolled out cookie dough. She was super excited to help! The best part is that the cookies getting eaten before we could even get them decorated! All those at camp had no idea they were allergy/gluten free. They are delicious even camping!!!

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summer 2011 129

Monday, July 25, 2011

Summertime means Family Reunion Time

I have always loved family reunions. I love spending time with family! My dads family has a reunion every year and an extended family reunion every other year (so you can imagine how many reunions I have been to). I believe they started the family reunions the year before I was born. So, not to give away my age but that would mean I have been to over 20, I mean 30 reunions just for one side! Smile Well this last weekend we had a reunion on my moms side. We had a picnic in my aunts back yard and there was swimming, badminton, corn hole, ping pong, games for the little kids and visiting. My mom counted and there were 57 in attendance….so it was a great turn out!

summer 2011 113

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Check this out!!!

Last night Richard and Linda Eyre did a webinar titled, “The Entitlement Trap”. They have written a book that will be released this September and if you haven’t yet purchased “The Entitlement Trap, you can pre-order today for a savings of 33%, in addition to a free gift. The Eyres have put together some powerful, yet simple ideas that will help your children take ownership for their things, money, conflicts, goals, values, choices, and privileges.

Anyway…..this webinar is open to ANYONE who would like to listen, so feel free to forward this to your friends via an email, facebook, twitter, or blog. Here is the link:

For those of you who haven’t heard of the Eyre’s, they have written many parenting/Preschool/Lifebalance  books over the years. They also have a website that has lots of useful infomation, which you can go check out here:

So, go listen to the FREE Webinar…..I will be listening soon too!!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Well, I hope everyone is enjoying their summer! I love summer! I love having a break from school, picnics, swimming, reunions, bubbles, gardening, scrapbooking, fresh strawberries and raspberries, making cool treats, parks, vacations, but most of all……spending time with my family!!!

I haven’t written on my blog for about a month now. Now, you may be thinking I have been oh too busy with all those fun summertime activities I listed above. Well….that is partly the issue but the other is that I got pretty hurt in June and have been recovering.

I was cleaning a window (outside) and fell straight back… flat onto my back! For the first 4-5 days I couldn’t hardly move. I am still slowly recovering but doing much, much better!

Through this experience I have had much time to just think about all my wonderful blessings!

At the beginning of the summer (before I got hurt) I made a summer schedule for my kids. They were going to be very busy. But, then I got hurt and some things had to change…..we had to stop and slow down. So, with the kids help we made a “summer bucket list” and we have been making sure we do something new from our list each day! I love this….I will have to post more about it later.

Monday, June 13, 2011

SCC Girls Golf Hall of Fame

Well, a few months ago I received a letter in the mail inviting me to a hall of fame banquet/induction for SCC girls golf. I had to read a few times and wonder why I would be inducted into a hall of fame. Then, I called my mom to ask her, “Why do you think I would be inducted into the hall of fame??” My mom had to remind me that our team was very good and we won our division the year I played there! Well….I guess my memory isn’t too good after having a few kids and quite a few years.  I had forgotten those days of playing college golf and enjoying the nature and not worrying about kids.  So, 5 of my teammates and both coaches were there for the big weekend event! The funny thing is that as we visited and looked through pictures my memory came back to me (a little). Here we are all together at the banquet.  We had a dinner and then we were given the awards! Also….coach Tikker got an award and was inducted into the Coaches Hall of Fame….way to go!!!

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This picture was too cute! Lindy’s youngest daughter was there and was being so good the whole night….wonder why?? She kept going and getting sugar packets and dumping them in her water….love the sugar (hopefully Lindy got some sleep that night!)

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Christine and her family…..

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Sandy and her family…..

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Here we are at Tikker’s home…It was nice to be able to visit some more!

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Now here is your future pro…watch for him…he is only 2…..and what a swing!!!

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Here are some cute pictures of Dawn’s kids. (Dawn and I were roommates while we were going to college at SCC)

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And here is my husband and I….we left the kids at home with my mom and dad (I knew there would be food everywhere we went….not a fun thing with food allergies).

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So…when we got back home we were telling my parents and kids all about the trip and my son says, “Mom, I didn’t know you played college golf!” It was too funny… guess what my kids want to do this summer?? They want me to do golf camps with them! Last summer I put them in a golf camps and they loved it…But, now they realize I played! So…I think I will take them up on the offer….

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Cub Scout Camp

I have been stressing and stressing about sending my son to scout camp this summer. I hear from everyone that they make birdfeeders with peanutbutter. YIKES! They say it is a mess and peanutbutter is everywhere and on every kid! Double YIKES! They say it is a tradition and they have to make them. So I wrote a note to the cub scout office and told them about my sons severe allergies to dairy, eggs and peanuts and asked which days do they do the birdfeeders (so I can keep my son home that day). A note came back to me today. The lady said there will NOT be any dairy, eggs or peanuts at scout camp this year. She totally understands because her son has peanut allergies too! So...if you are stessing about something allergy related try your best to educate others and remember it doesn't hurt to ask questions. So many people are in the same boat too!!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Summer Fun....

I love summer! There are so many things to do in the summer that sometimes it seems to come and go too quickly! So, last year I started a new "system" that I loved and I am going to be doing again this year. I wanted us to be sure to have a fun summer but also make sure we weren't just doing the same thing each day like playing video games too much, watching movies too much, playing with neighbors too much or just anything tooooo much. So here is how it works....

We devoted a cute name with each day of the week so we would remember what the "activity" for that day was.

Movie Monday---we would pop some popcorn and have our own movie theatre right at home and the kids love this!!!

Trip Tuesday---this day we would take a trip somewhere (visit a grandma, go to a park, go to a museum, go to the zoo)

Wet and Wild Wednesday---this day we went swimming or set up a wet/wild activities in the back yard (slip 'n slide, sprinklers, small pools)

anyThing goes Thursday---this day was great for "anything" (craft day, cooking day, bike riding day, sports day, book day)

Friend Friday---this day was set aside to have a friend over

I can't wait for summer!!! I think I might be more excited than the kids :)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Family Reunion

We love going to our family reunions and enjoy seeing everyone. The kids always have fun doing all the fun games the President of the reunion has planned. Everyone is being so understanding of the food allergies and this year there were so many things my kids could have. It is getting better and better each year as more people become aware. They had sloppy joes for the main dish and it was all safe. Yippee!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Family Fun at the Mariners Baseball Game

Here we are at the Seattle Mariners Game. Our family can still have fun even though we have food allergies and so can you! We take wipes to wipe off the seats and then it becomes a safe environment. We have to bring all of our foods and snacks and sit away from other fans so that we can have a great time with no worries!!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Food Allergy Awareness Week.........

Next week is Food Allergy Awareness Week! Food allergies are becoming more and more common these days and it is so great to see many people come together to help each other understand and live with food allergies! You can learn more about food allergy awareness week and get ideas of how to help at the following link...

Food Allergy Awareness Week - FAAN

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

This is what I woke up to this morning!

I sat down at the computer this morning to start logging in Michael's school assignments and he says, "Mom, did you see the picture"? This is what I found...How sweet!!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Early Morning on TV!

Friday morning we were on KEPR-TV with Jennifer Ann Wilson showing how to enjoy Easter with yummy treats. All the treats were "free" of the top 8 allergens....milk, eggs, wheat, soy, shellfish, fish, treenuts, peanuts, and also GLUTEN! I began creating allergy free foods so that those with the food allergies or gluten intolerances wouldn't feel left out. I tested each of my recipes on those without food allergies to get the "final" approval....Take a look at these clips to see how fun it can be to "ENJOY" eating allergy free!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Park City Mom Retreat

I was able to attend a Power of Moms retreat this last weekend. You can learn more about the power of moms at I am so thankful to my husband, mom and dad for taking such good care of my kids while I was away! I serve on the Power of Moms board and was so glad I went to get to finally meet "in person" as opposed to phone and email. Here is a picture of our board!

On Friday, April(one of the power of moms directors) did a seminar on Mind Organization for Moms (which you can also learn about on the website) but it was much better in person!!! I can't wait to get my office/school room and supplies/kitchen/mind to find the time to do so :).....thanks April!
Friday night we had dinner and a meeting together and then a slumber party. I thought it was great to finally meet together as a board and "see" the vision of Power of Moms and learn from each other.
Saturday, was the big event with 100 women! It was an all day event but here is an example of
what we learned about....making quiet time a reality/prioritizing/Balancing and Time Management/Spontaneity and Serendipity/Family Traditions/Family Structure and Systems that work.

This is a picture of me with the speakers! They all did such an amazing job! Another presenter was Richard Eyre, both Richard and his wife Linda have published numerous parenting books that have made the national bestsellers and I have enjoyed and used their expertise! You can learn more about them at One of the topics that Richard taught was on "Spontaneity". I really loved this because I need more spontaneity in my life, rather than structure! Here is a picture of Richard presenting....

It was a great weekend full of lots of information!!! I am so grateful to be able to be a mother and to try hard to raise good children and enjoy the journey while doing so!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Step 13 - Cake Pops - Finished Product

Here is a little tin with some of my finished Cake Pops. Aren't they just the cutest! (and they are really yummy too!)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mark Your Calendar.....

I will be doing an event at Barnes and Noble on Saturday, April 9th at 2 p.m. Come learn a little something about food allergies and get a copy of the cookbook signed!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Do you need a cookbook?

Well, I have a new "batch" of cookbooks and they are now only $12!!!! So, if you are local let me know and we can get you a book....if you are not local and would like one just add $2 for shipping! Get ready to bake allergy free!

Friday, March 18, 2011


I have a great recipe for you that uses only a few ingredients and takes little time to make!! This has become a regular in our home because it is so fast and easy and EVERYONE will eat it! Here it goes.....
2 cups ketchup
2 cups grape jelly
20 meatballs (premade if your diet allows or you can make your own, I make my own and keep them in my freezer for quick meals!)
Stir ketchup and grape jelly in a pan on the stove over medium heat. Add the meatballs and simmer for 10-15 minutes.
I also make rice to serve with the sauce! Enjoy a quick and easy meal!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Babycakes in Los Angeles

"Carol's Chatter" One day we took a lunch break and drove to Los Angeles to see the famous allergy free store "babycakes". Everything in the store Michael could eat! The kids had a hard time deciding what to buy. We all bought something different and then bought our favorites to take with us. We tried the chocolate cookies, cupcakes, cinnamon rolls, cranberry apple cake and a cookie and frosting sandwich. Everything was really good! We all came to the conclusion that Brianna's desserts are just as good or even better tasting!

Corn Tortillas at California Adventure

"Carol's Chatter" Michael and Arianna at California Adventure with their tortilla's at the Mission store. There you can watch them make tortillas and then they give everyone a tortilla to sample. Today they were making corn tortillas and Michael was so excited! He said to the lady "I can actually have these! I'm not allergic to these!" The lady then gave him a second tortilla and that really made him happy!

More Disneyland

"Carol's Chatter" These are a few of the families group pictures taken at Disneyland. Don't you just love their happy faces! I was so glad I got to be there to enjoy a few days with them at Disneyland! I was the designated photographer. We had so much FUN! Disneyland really is magical! It is a little more work for an allergy child to go to Disneyland. Michael was a real trooper, he brought wipes and wiped down each ride before he rode them. And for the food situation they brought all their own food. They would pack snacks and lunch in a backpack and went back to the motel and fixed dinner in an electric pot. One nice thing about motels being close!

Visiting Relatives

"Carol's Chatter" We went to visit our relatives on our way to Disneyland. They joined us at Disneyland for one day and we had lots of fun going on all the rides. Brianna's aunt was so kind and even prepared Michael friendly meals while we stayed with her. She bought one of Brianna's books and said, "These recipes aren't that hard to do and lots of the recipes are recipes I already make!"

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


"Carol's Chatter" After Christmas Brianna and Lance surprised the kids with a vacation to Disneyland! They were so excited and had sooooo much fun! Here are just a few of the friends Michael and Arianna got to meet while they were visiting Disneyland.

Christmas Treats

"Carol's Chatter" Brianna made delicious treats at Christmas time. The sugar cookies and the ice cream are in her new cookbook. The other treats she has just come up with. She is always trying to make her favorite treats into Michael friendly treats! And EVERYONE loves them!

Cub Scouts

"Carol's Chatter" Michael learning about the American flag and having fun at Cub Scouts. Brianna brings the treats to Cub Scouts every week so it is safe for Michael.

Autumn Time

"Carol's chatter" This was Brianna's family picture
that she used to put on their Christmas cards. It
was taken in the fall and it was really cold outside.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Early Morning Show!!

Go ahead and click on the link below to see us on tv! A local news channel interviewed me and had me show how to make a few treats!