Thursday, October 8, 2009

Book Signings

I had 2 book signings last week and one today. I loved visiting with all the people! Thanks to all of you that came out today to weather the rain and cold. I hope your friends and families can use these recipes and enjoy them! Thanks again, Brianna


  1. Wow! That is so great that you are doing 2 book signings. Good luck, I know your book is great and all allergy free people should have it!

  2. WOW! Kudos! I had no idea, as I've been busy sitting on the couch :o)! That is so great, I'm excited for your success! -Proud Sister-in-law

  3. Wow! What a cool cookbook! Can you tell I've been missing from the blogging world for a while!? Life has been busy busy busy! Your kids have grown up so much! You have such beautiful family!
